

Love Theatre Fairfield?

You can help us make great theatre by donating to our new Production Fund.

This important fund was created to provide essential support for the development of new Theatre Fairfield productions. Your generosity will help defray the costs of future productions and give current and future theatre artists the opportunity to learn, grow, connect, and create engaging performances that make a difference in the world.

We are grateful for the support of all our donors:

Our long-time supporter is the Jamie Hulley Foundation. We are grateful for the recurring donations from this Foundation, which goes toward the production costs of our annual Indy Project. We urge you to support the Jamie Hulley Foundation, as well as TF.

Individual Donors:

Alec C. Bandzes '15

Anna F. Burns '07

Suzanne Chamlin-Richer

M Debnam Chappell

Kristy Cummings '04

Lara M. Eckler '02

Ryan D. Farias '05

Katherine E. Gardner '15

Connor J. Goz '17

Casey L. Grambo '12

Margaret L. Greene '15

Richard A. Greenwald

Susan L. Haggstrom 

Wendy E. Hinton '97

Brian W. Hoover '00

Jennifer M. Katona '98

Marie-Laure Kugel

Paul L. Marcarelli '92

Ryan D. McKinney '97

Kaylee E. Moran '18

Stephen P. O'Connell '00

Alexander C. Pavone '04

Nicholas J. Phillips '11

Stacey L. Pitcher '01

Jill N. Plesniarski '05

Jodie A. Porcelli '07

John D. Power '96

Judy Primavera and Fred Hulley

Michelle D. Rakowsky '17

Matthew G. Rashid '95

Kyle M. Russell '98

Fallon M. Sullivan '20

Christopher Taggart '05 and Timothy Roberts

E. Davis Wildman '00

Mara Williams

Daniel M. Williams '04

Gregory J. Winkler '99

Luke A. Wrobel '96

Many of these donors are TF alumni, who had a huge reunion in honor of Marti LoMonaco's retirement in 2023.

We are grateful for their ongoing support, and are proud of the work they are doing in the world.

Alumni/Retirement Party

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